Friday, September 24, 2010

Surin Day 5

Breakfast: Fried eggs, pineapples, bananas, and watermelon.

Morning Project: The road to some of the fields are very run down. We went to the river three times to pick up rocks to fill in the potholes. On the third trip, we also got stakes so we could fix the sides of the roads too. I loved the rides in the pick up truck. We had to travel on the main road so the truck could go very fast. It was so windy, I could feel my eyelashes moving.

Surin - 20-26th Sep 2010-5Surin - 20-26th Sep 2010-6Surin - 20-26th Sep 2010-4Surin - 20-26th Sep 2010-7

Elephant Walk: We go to the watering hole half an hour late.

Afternoon Project: We walked to the river with the elephants. There were leeches in the water and I was jumping at everything I felt underwater. I didn’t mean to get very wet but of course the mahouts splashed water at me. I also slipped down a hidden drop off in the water. I came back by truck.

The walk to the riverSurin---20-26th-Sep-2010-9_thumbSurin---20-26th-Sep-2010-10_thumb

Washing the elephants


Mahouts and their elephants


Jumping Picture


Advertising for the Surin Project?Surin---20-26th-Sep-2010-20_thumbSurin---20-26th-Sep-2010-21_thumb[1]

Evening: I took a shower and then bought a blueberry yoghurt drink by the nearby store. It started to thunderstorm. We had dinner with the mahouts tonight. It was really fun. People left at 10 but I stayed till 11. It was just Chet, me and the mahouts. Chet made cup noodles. I was so excited! but then I tasted it and almost lost my lips to the spiciness.

Good night: Random dog came up to me to snuggle. I tried to get her to come to my room but he ran away haha.

All photos taken by Alex Godfrey.