She’s waiting for Pon to bring her basket of food but he’s just sitting in the shade because it’s not time yet. He keeps telling her to back away but she likes to lean on the fence and smell around with her trunk. Maybe she hopes he has an extra banana in his pocket.
Kham Pan always seems to be hungry but it becomes more apparent right before feeding time. She will sway back and forth and lean her weight against a fence or the bench. Her trunk will wave all over the air, trying to catch any smell of fruits and vegetables coming her way.
Pon has to tell her to step back or else she’ll snap the wood. Then, she gets impatient and mad at him. One time, she even slapped the ground and trumpeted like a child throwing a tantrum! I was so surprised. I never heard her make any sound like that before. I was so happy that I caught it on video (below).
It’s a staring contest. Sometimes, she stands like a dejected puppy. She slumps over and drags her trunk like she’s starving and has no energy. Pon just looks at her, but he doesn’t make a move to get the basket.
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