Photograph taken by: Maxine Rawson-Rodriguez
It gets really hot in the summer time. Banana trees hold a lot of water so it’s good for elephants to eat to keep hydrated. They are very thick, but surprisingly easy to chop down.
We go to a patch of banana trees not far from the park entrance. We drive a tractor with a little trailer to carry the trees back. It’s hard to fill it up higher than the sides of the trailer because the trees are slippery once we peel off the outside layer.
We need to wear long sleeves and gloves because the banana sap leaves a very brown and sticky stain on your clothes and hands.
Sometimes the dogs will follow us, but these was a bad virus outbreak and the dogs weren’t allowed to leave the park. The dogs at the village weren’t vaccinated and would be unprotected from the disease.
In the photograph, I’m holding a cell phone. It was the first time I was able to receive a call from my mother! (not that she called me many times before, but) We’re usually working and I missed her phone calls before.
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